Estuardo and Paula’s Home
Estuardo is 29 years old and studied up 6th grade. He is married to Paula who is 27 years old and studied up 4th grade. They are a young couple since they got married at the end of last year, for now they don’t have any children. They live in Sumpango Center.
For living, he works as an electrician by himself. He became as an electrician by working as an electrician helper for someone else. His wife, Paula is a stay-at-home mom.
Paula´s parents gave a piece of land for them to live as a family. They were able to build a small bedroom that it is made out of sheets of tin. The young couple don’t have a kitchen, so Paula’s mom has let to share her kitchen with them, since the parents live nearby them.
The room that they will receive, thanks to the donation of The 141 Project. It will be their very first home and the small bedroom that they have now, it will be their kitchen. They are grateful for their home without any support they wouldn’t be able to build a home.
Paula said, “We have tried to save money for building our home since we got married, but we haven’t saved enough money because my husband doesn’t earn a lot of money”.
This home was funded by The Association of Professional Builders.
The Association of Professional Builders works exclusively with custom home building companies. In particular, the owners & directors of medium sized construction companies that are looking to systemize the business, grow their margins and/or their sales revenue and transform this industry…