María Isabel’s Home

Sumpango, Guatemala


María Isabel is 35 years old and studied up 2nd grade. She is a single mom and has 3
children. She separated from her husband 4 years ago and now he has another family.
The children are: Lesly is 16 years old and studied up 6th grade, Melvin is 14 years old and studied up 5th grade, Dalia is 8 years old and is studying in 2nd grade. The grandma, Dominga lives with them who is 79 years old and never went to school. The family lives in the village of Rancho Alegre, Sumpango.
María Isabel used to work in a sewing factory, but Dalia was diagnosed with a juvenile arthritis 9 months ago, so she quitted her job because her daughter needs a full-time caregiver. The mom also must take Dalia for her medical checkup every month. For living, the mom sells used traditional clothes in her neighborhood to earn some money, but it doesn’t enough, so Lesly and Melvin didn’t continue their studies and now, they work for supporting their mom.
Lesly works as a day laborer for someone else in farming, picking up green beans and
her brother works as a mason helper. The family only has a large room that it is divided into 4 small rooms which are made out of a half of cinderblocks and sheets of tin for the wall and sheets of tin for the room and a concrete floor.
One of the rooms is the bedroom of María Isabel, Lesly, and Dalia; the second room is the bedroom of Melvin; and third room is the bedroom of the grandma. The fourth room is the kitchen of the family. The room that they will receive, it will be the bedroom of the mom and her daughters. Thanks to the donation of The 141 Project, they will have more and a better place to live.

This home was funded by The Association of Professional Builders. 

The Association of Professional Builders works exclusively with custom home building companies. In particular, the owners & directors of medium sized construction companies that are looking to systemize the business, grow their margins and/or their sales revenue and transform this industry…