Otto and Silvia’s Home – In process


Otto is 45 years old and studied up 2nd grade. He is married to Silvia who is 28 years old and studied up 6th grade. They have 4 children: Gloria is 8 years old and is studying in 1st grade, Norma is 7 years old and is studying in 1st grade too, Rosa is 6 years old is not studying yet, and Dayana is 1-month years old. The family lives in Sumpango.
For living, he works as day laborer for someone else in farming, he earns $46 per week. His wife, Silvia is a stay-at-home mom. Silvia said, “Sometimes my husband doesn’t have work every day when it is the summer (It is the dry season when the families don’t grow vegetable until it is the rainy season)”.
This family only has a small home that it is made out of old sheets of tin and a dirt floor. That room is divided in two rooms. One of the rooms is the bedroom of the whole family and the second is the kitchen and the dining room at the same time.
The room that they will receive, thanks to the donation of The 141 Project. It will be their very first cinderblock home. It will be a better place for this family to live since the rain won´t come in through the roof and the wall of their home anymore. The family is thrilled and grateful for their new house, this is a big change for them.

This home was funded by The Association of Professional Builders. 

The Association of Professional Builders works exclusively with custom home building companies. In particular, the owners & directors of medium sized construction companies that are looking to systemize the business, grow their margins and/or their sales revenue and transform this industry…