

Rosa, 33, lives in the village of Rancho Alegre, Sumpango. She studied up to the 6th grade and separated from her husband Efrain eight months ago due to his drinking problem and lack of support for the family. Rosa is the sole provider for her daughter, Joselyn, who is 12 years old and currently studying in the 6th grade.

Rosa works diligently at a vegetable packing company in Sumpango, earning $47 per week. They live with Rosa’s mother in a room made of two rows of cinderblock and sheets of tin with a concrete floor.

Rosa dreams of having her own home. With the help of Scott’s generous donation, she will build a new cinderblock room on land given to her by her mother. Rosa expressed her gratitude, saying, “I always wanted to have my own house. I got married at a young age, and my ex-husband and I didn’t plan well where we would live, but my mom let us stay with her. My dream always was to have my own home.”

Scott’s support is making Rosa’s dream come true. As a single mom without any other support, she wouldn’t be able to build a home on her own. Thanks to you, Rosa will have a beautiful home where she can live and raise her daughter. Thank you so much for your generosity.

Thanks to the generosity of Scott Nagel of KW Real Estate, Rosa’s family will soon have a proper home to call their own. His support is making a significant difference in their lives.

Scott Nagel – Realtor
13100 Wayzata Blvd; Suite 400
Minnetonka, MN 55305